What Did Book Bloggers Read In 2014?
In case you missed the best books lists we're reminding some of the Top Books Lists created by BookLikes book bloggers. Let's see which book were the most popular among BookLikes' book bloggers in 2014.
Best Books of 2014! by Char's Horror Corner
First the authors that each had two books on my list:
The Cormorant and Wakening the Crow by Stephen Gregory. This was my favorite author discovery of the year and The Cormorant my favorite book. Mr. Gregory is an author of stunning prose and originality. I will faithfully purchase whatever books he puts out for the rest of my life. (A big thank you goes out to Valancourt Books for this discovery!)... read more & see all top books
Best of 2014 by E.
Not everything on this list was published this year. Not everything on this list will be to your liking. I'm not doing a Worst Of List this year, because who needs all that negativity, really? You can click on the title of each book to read my review. If you would like a rundown of all the books... read more & see all top books
Best Books of 2014: Non-Fiction by Literary Ames
Here are my top 12 non-fiction reads of 2014, covering health, politics and feminism... read more & see all top books
My Top 14 YA Books of 2014 by KARIN'S BOOK NOOK
#1: GRASSHOPPER JUNGLE by Andrew Smith
Sixteen-year-old Austin Szerba interweaves the story of his Polish legacy with the story of how he and his best friend , Robby, brought about the end of humanity and the rise of an army of unstoppable, six-foot tall praying mantises in small-town Iowa. To make matters worse, Austin's hormones are totally oblivious; they don't care that the world is in utter chaos: Austin is in love with his girlfriend, Shann, but remains confused about his sexual orientation... read more & see all top books
Best Paranormal Romance Reads 2014 by Cat's Books: Romance
I adore Paranormal, Science Fiction and Fantasy Romance. I adore it so much I feel like a a plate spinner at a middle school talent show just trying to keep up with all my series and the new good stuff. I know I missed a lot of great reads from new to me authors and ones for which I have long standing love. I hope to catch up next year. Here are my best Paranormal Romance Reads of 2014... read more & see all top books
5 Star Reads of 2014 by Jessica (HDB)
In the world of Jessica, five star ratings are not given lightly. I'm lucky if I find one or two books a month that really blow me away, and make my "I'm going to shout love for this to the ends of the Earth" list. This year I devoured 200 books and, of those, only 29 made the cut. Out of those, I've chosen a few to highlight. Let's take a look, shall we?... read more & see all top books
Some Of My Favorites From 2014 by Bookfanatic
I stopped at 10 and I tried to stay away from series because well that would have created a whole other problem as in a really, really long list. I read a lot of books in 2014 that I really, really loved. I started out thinking that I could make myself pick just one and in my mind one quickly became 5 and 2 books into this list 5 became 10. So this is where I make myself stop... read more & see all top books
Favorite Reads of 2014 Part I: Interesting Facts and My Top Ten by The Reading Perusals of Rose Summers
So, in total for this year, I've read 168 books (maybe slightly more because there were some I didn't mark, but I know it was less than 200), which is way, way less than my total from 2012 (which was 365 books), and far less than the goal I set for myself this year (450)... read more & see all top books
Best Book Covers and Book Titles in 2014 by HFK
You should never judge a book by its cover, but it happens. This year I bought lots of books with beautiful covers, but unfortunately only read few with covers that I would label as doable... read more & see all top books
Books I Read and REALLY Liked in 2014 by Batgrl: Bookish Hooha
I've been enjoying everyone's end of year summings up (in various fun forms) and thinking on making one of my own - and I couldn't quite come up with a way to rank anything. Which is I suppose what happens when you end up reading a variety of random things. Anyway, there's no order to this - except I have a particular fondness for the first book mentioned. History wins out this year, which isn't always the case... read more & see all top books
My Top Books of 2014 by hippieed perceptions
As I was going through my read book list, I realized that this year kind of sucked for reading for me. The few that I loved, I really really loved though, so I guess that is something. I did kind of cheat because I added Geek Love even though I'm not quite done. When you know, you know though... read more & see all top book
My Top Books of 2014 by YA FANATIC
As I near my 200 book goal I want to share with you my top books of this past year. I've read many not so great books but have also found some new favorites. I also started listening to audiobooks, several of my favorites are because I listened to them. These are in no particular order (except maybe the first one). Enjoy... read more & see all top books
Books Read in 2014 by Ani's Book Abyss
As it stands, it isn't easy to narrow 150 books down to a Top Ten list. And so I chose to re-format my list just a little bit. I also needed to account for the fact that I like Young Adult novels differently than I like Adult and non-YA novels--Yes, there is a difference in how I perceive a book dependent on target audience. Without further ado, and in no particular order... read more & see all top books
Top 14 Reads of 2014 by Book Sand Worm
Keep in mind that by “favorite”, I mean this list is very subjective. In looking back, these are the ones that I enjoyed the most even though I read a lot of very good books this year... read more & see all favorite books
Top Ten Reads of 2014 by Unabridged Chick
I read about 50 books for 2014, which is a huge drop from my typical year (almost by half!). Pregnancy, and the resulting baby, are to blame, and while I'm a little disappointed, the aforementioned baby -- our Little Reader -- is so frickin' cute, I kind of can't care. I still walked away with some stellar reads for 2014, and once again, had a challenging time identifying the top ten of this year. In the end, I picked the books I still talk about obsessively, that I purchased (for myself and/or others), and that I want to reread or force others to read... read more & see all top books
Best of 2014 - Part 1 - The Reliables & Part 2 - The Overachievers by Tina's Reading Books
Part 1: My 2014 reading year was much better than my 2013 reading year. Not in volume, because I read about the same number of books. But In quality. In 2013 I had a massive reading slump and was down 75% in my total reading for the year as compared to 2012. Nothing seemed to work for me past a few strong installments in long running series and couple of new-to-authors that came out strong. In contrast, 2014 started out strong... read more & see all top books
Part 2: So as I look over my reads this year and compare them to the physical books I've amassed over the last 30-ish years on my shelves, I am struck by the difference in page lengths. Which in a round-about way brings me to this segment of my Best of 2014.The Overachievers are the two authors whose works this year was so good that I had to include two of their books in my top ten. A rarity for me... read more & see all top books
You may also want to have a look at:
- The Highlights, The Favourites and The Flops of 2014 by Scarlet's Web
- Favorite Reads of 2014 - TOP 10 by MAY'S BOOKS
- Rose's Favorite Reads of 2014 - Part II: Superlatives by The Reading Perusals of Rose Summers
- 5 Best Mystery Books Of 2014 by New Books and More
- Best of 2014 - Part 3 - The Newcomers by Tina's Reading Books
- Best of 2014 - Part 4 - The Honorables by Tina's Reading Books
- 89 Books for 2014 by LOVE ME SOME BOOKS
- Top 14 of 2014 by Too Fond Of Books
- Best reads of 2014 by Lora's Rants and Reviews
- A Selection of Recommended Books of 2014 by Reading Rainstorm
- Top Sellers from 2005 to 2014 by VALANCOURT BOOKS
- A round up of my reading year, my 2014 5* Reads and what's on for 2015 by Kitty Horror
- Best Books of 2014 by Wit and Sin
- Best things I've read and watched in 2014 by Familiar Diversions
- Worst things I've read and watched in 2014 by Familiar Diversions
- Year in Reading 2014 by The Fish Place
- 2014 Wrap Up by Bookworm Blurbs
- My 2014 Reads by Susana "Lost in Fantasy Land"
- My Top Reads in 2014 (Excluding classics and rereads) by Jennifer's Books
- My Top Book of 2014! by Miles Exchange
- The books I enjoyed most in 2014 and the ones I'm already looking forward to in 2015 by Audio Book Junkie
- Best Books of 2014 by sunsetxcocktail
- A BAKER'S DOZEN: My Off-The-Beaten-Path Favorites From 2014 by BLAH, BLAH, BLAH, BOOK BLOG
- Best Contemporary, Best Historical, and Best of 2014 by Whiskey in the Jar Likes to Read
- Year in Review by Rachel the Book Harlot
- My Favorite Books of 2014 by Obsidian Blue
If we haven't included you top list, share it or add a link to your blog post in the comments box below.